Please read this page carefully prior to advisement.
Students must meet with their assigned advisor (either the Graduate Coordinator or their major professor, see below) every semester in order to discuss their progress and how they should proceed in their course of study, including planning for comps or defenses. Students should present a typed Linguistics Graduate Student Advisement Form draft to their advisor at this meeting and discuss any adjustments that need to be made. Students will then turn in the completed and signed form to the Graduate Coordinator Assistant for clearance to register and for the creation of individualized courses such as LING 9010. Advisement appointments pertaining to Spring semesters should occur by October 15, and advising appointments pertaining to Summer and Fall semesters should occur by March 15.
For a quick description of degree programs to aid in your advisement process, please see the checklists here:
PhD (with no prior Linguistics MA)
PhD (with prior Linguistics MA)
For a complete list of course offerings in upcoming semesters, please see the schedule of classes on the Registrar's website.
Pay attention to the deadlines established by the Graduate School (which change every semester) to avoid scheduling frustrations.
The Graduate Coordinator acts as the advisor for all students who do not yet have a Major Professor. Students should negotiate a mentor to act as Major Professor by their second semester. This is not an official relationship until the appropriate Advisory Committee form is signed and turned in to the Graduate School, so the Major Professor may change. The student's Major Professor will, from that point, also act as that student's advisor. Advisors should work in consultation with the Graduate Coordinator when issues arise or when special considerations need to be made.
Special Research and Writing Courses
LING7000, 7300, 9000, and 9300 are thesis or dissertation research courses created for each individual student. The instructor listed for these courses should be the student's Major Professor. Until a student has submitted their final program of study form to the Graduate Coordinator Assistant, special research and writing courses should be presented on the Linguistics Graduate Student Advisement Form in order for the Graduate Coordinator Assistant to create and permit the student into those courses. These courses are graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (i.e., pass/fail); students should consult with their major professor about expectations in order to receive a grade of S.
Directed Readings Courses
LING9010 Directed Readings courses can be used as part of a student’s program of study and, as such, should represent study with a specific professor (the instructor of record) on a topic not covered in one of our regular courses. These courses will normally have no more than 1-2 students. LING9010 courses are graded A-F, so they will require a paper or project in order to establish an objective grade at the end of the semester. These courses are not to be taken lightly. The Graduate Coordinator Assistant will not register students for these courses without permission by the instructor of record (not necessarily the major professor), which can come as an email or signature on the graduate student advisement form.
Updated: 06/24/2020