On Leave during Academic Year 2024-2025
PhD (Cognitive Science) Johns Hopkins University 2003
ScB (Cognitive Science) Brown University 1998
Computational linguistics, Cognitive science
Selected Publications
Modeling Structure-Building in the Brain With CCG Parsing and Large Language Models. With Miloš Stanojević, Jonathan R. Brennan, Donald Dunagan and Mark Steedman. Cognitive Science 2023. Read about this work in Project Showcase.
Quantifying Discourse Support for Omitted Pronouns. With Shulin Zhang and Jixing Li. Proceedings of CRAC Workshop at COLING2022.
Long-distance linguistic dependencies in Chinese and English brains. With Donald Dunagan, Miloš Stanojević, Maximin Coavoux, Shulin Zhang, Shohini Bhattasali, Jixing Li and Jonathan Brennan. Neurobiology of Language 2023. Read the News Item about this work.
Neural correlates of semantic number: A cross-linguistic investigation. With Donald Dunagan, Shulin Zhang, Jixing Li, Shohini Bhattasali, Christophe Pallier, John Whitman and Yiming Yang. Brain and Language 2022.
Decoding the silence: Neural bases of zero pronoun resolution in Chinese. With Shulin Zhang, Jixing Li and Yiming Yang. Brain and Language 2022.
Le Petit Prince multilingual naturalistic fMRI corpus. With Jixing Li, Shohini Bhattasali, Berta Franzluebbers, Wen-Ming Luh, R. Nathan Spreng, Jonathan R. Brennan, Yiming Yang and Christophe Pallier. Scientific Data 2022.
Neurocomputational Models of Language Processing. With Luca Campanelli, Jixing Li, Shohini Bhattasali, Christophe Pallier and Jonathan R. Brennan. Annual Review of Lingustics. volume 8 pages 427--446. 2022.
Quantifying Structural and Non-structural Expectations in Relative Clause Processing. With Zhong Chen. Cognitive Science 2021.
Modeling Incremental Language Comprehension in the Brain with Combinatory Categorial Grammar. With Miloš Stanojević, Shohini Bhattasali, Donald Dunagan, Luca Campanelli, Mark Steedman and Jonathan Brennan. CMCL Workshop 2021.
The Alice Datasets: fMRI & EEG Observations of Natural Language Comprehension. With Shohini Bhattasali, Jonathan Brennan, Wen-Ming Luh, Berta Franzluebbers. LREC 2020.
Text Genre and Training Data Size in Human-like Parsing. With Adhiguna Kuncoro, Keith Hall, Chris Dyer & Jonathan Brennan. Proceedings of EMNLP 2019. poster.
Finding Syntax in Human Encephalography with Beam Search. With Chris Dyer, Adhiguna Kuncoro and Jonathan R. Brennan. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Note: received Best Paper award.
Localising Memory Retrieval and Syntactic Composition: an fMRI study of naturalistic language comprehension. With Shohini Bhattasali, Murielle Fabre, Wen-Ming Luh, Hazem Al Saied, Mathieu Constant, Christophe Pallier, Jonathan R. Brennan and R. Nathan Spreng. Language, Cognition & Neuroscience 2018